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Our Vision
Bringing opportunities closer to talent. Vision detailed
With its rich cultural heritage, unity in diversity and growing economy, India still has the cultural clash of divide between “haves” and “have-nots”. The most popular economic analysis of rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is still one of the country’s main issues.
The gap sometimes is caused by lack of infrastructure (can be roads, water, communication setup, electricity, irrigation channels, drainage system etc) and mostly also due to lack of awareness that exploits the social system. While the Government does its best to define policies and programs to solve these issues, the implementation is a big challenge due to the sheer size of the country, the amount of time it takes and the commitment it needs. This is where the nation needs leadership at the grassroots level that helps the growth of the nation and its people, by being part of the development movement.
Typically, we expect things to be top-down, either a transformation initiative or a development initiative. Rather than getting worried about things not happening at a pace they should be, we can make a difference in a however small way maybe, by stimulating the bottom-up growth process of the country.
We translated this into our vision for rural India and we will do our part to nurture the human capital of India by investing in the growth process of our villages into a sustainable economy.
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This is how we describe our vision towards transforming rural India into a self-sustained growth process:
- Human capital development programs
- Ensuring that awareness and consciousness in society is maximum
- Safe drinking water to all
- Excellent Sanitation system (Private toilets for all households, Drainage system)
- Quality healthcare available at low cost
- 100% children complete high school education
- Small scale industries established
- Persistent social equilibrium
- Village GDP is more than the average of the nation